Johnnie's Jukebox #2040
Frankie is back once again to take us into the weekend with one of his best. Watch out for this one! The Lady's a- STAR!

Johnnie's Jukebox #2039
Dedicating one of my favorite songs from Old Blue Eyes to my beloved Grandmother today. Love You & Happy Birthday! Frank Sinatra Live!...

Johnnie's Jukebox #2038
One of Sinatra's greatest claims to fame was the song for losers (aka "the saloon song"). Here he is from later in the game with just...

Johnnie's Jukebox #2037
I love the way Frank handles this song. Very atmospheric, like out of a Bullets Bourbon comic. Matt Dennis' immortal- Angel Eyes.

Johnnie's Jukebox #2036
The Chairman of the Board with the first of his many collaborations with the legendary Count Basie! Please be Kind!

Johnnie's Jukebox #2035
My Grandmother's favorite singer gets the spotlight again for her birthday this week! Old Blue Eyes kicks off Superstar Week with...

Johnnie's Jukebox #2034
We bid a fond farewell to Prince this Superstar Week with Little Red Corvette. It's Saturday night, I guess that makes it all right!

Johnnie's Jukebox #2033
You know we had to get one of Prince's songs from the Batman Soundtrack. I'm going with an unconventional pick though, with- Scandalous!

Johnnie's Jukebox #2032
The Purple One returns this Superstar Week, with The Revolution to thrill us once again with- Kiss

Johnnie's Jukebox #2031
We mark the 5th anniversary of the untimely passing of Prince today with what I consider his signature song. It was the song that...