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Johnnie Torch here, kids! Just want to give you guys a few pointers when contacting me, that should go without saying:


Politeness costs you nothing. :D


By writing to me,you allow me the right to publish the contents of your E-mail, both whole or in part, either on my website or on YouTube or in a letters page of an issue of Bullets Bourbon.


I can't accept any story submissions,so don't bother sending me them. I won't read them.


I'd really enjoy hearing what Characters/Storylines you like, but I don't have much time to kibitz, so don't feel offended if I don't get back to you.


Thanks for reading!


You have questions or comments? Send them to Johnnie Torch! I'll try to answer all the best questions,either on the site, on YouTube or in an upcoming issue!

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To order the latest issue of Bullets Bourbon,visit IndyPlanet!

And The Adventures of Bullets Bourbon continues!

In Our Next Exciting Episode...

Our story thus far- Pencilneck has captured Bullets Bourbons' closest friends & imprisoned them in an abandoned theme park. Now he must rescue them from death traps- each based on a famous Nursery Rhyme!

Will Bullets find his friends before Pencilneck exacts his revenge? Find out in Nursery Crhymes coming soon- Early 2024!

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