JTLIVE #106 TNR-U #101Picard returns: Make it so or make it soy? Batman who? Batwoman casting
JTLive #105 TNR-U Big #100! The Batman & The Flash: What could possibly go wrong?
JTLIVE #103 #TNR-U #99 Episode IX: Why do you build me up, Buttercup?
JTLIVE #101 TNR-U #98 Hooray For Comic Con pt2 TV Blitz!
JTLive Big #100th episode! TNR-U #97 Hooray for Comic Con pt 1 Aquaman/Shazam trailers!
JTLIVE #98 TNR-U #96 Birds of Prey movie a go!/Batwoman gets a TV series...?
JTLIVE #97 TNR-U #95 Black Widow gets a director/ She-Ra reboot (groan)
JTLIVE #96 TNR-U #94 Star Wars: Billy Dee is back, baby!/Kerri Russell to don purple hair for Ep 9?
JTLIVE #94 TNR-U #93 Tragedy of Darth Kennedy the Not-So Wise/Titans series breakdown
JTLive #91 TNR-U #93 Creed II- I just want to say 'hello' again!/ Aquaman/WW84 photos